Ulysses Realty Group continues to offer our clients the personalized attention they have come to expect. This is the advantage of a smaller firm, that personal touch and attention. It is our stock in trade.

Our Approach
Phillip R. Mays, Owner/ Broker
“The Customer’s Goals Are My Goals”
- 30 plus years in real estate and commercial development.
- Formed Ulysses Realty Group, Inc. in 2004 to serve as a full service commercial real estate firm that markets and manages retail, office, and industrial space.
- Specialties are industrial, office, vacant land and development.

Our Approach
Larry Norman / Agent
“I Bring Excellence To The Buying Experience”
- 30 plus years in construction, manufacturing, and real estate investment.
- Specialties: Commercial, Industrial, Business Investment or Vacant property.
- In-depth understanding of the markets, which goes beyond traditional real estate agency scope.
- Ability to evaluate the value of your property, business or any investment including those special aspects of your required needs.
- A business consultant and Realtor using his knowledge to help investors, buyers, and sellers to make the best use of their investment dollar.
Click here for listing of Agents and Staff.